This program is made possible by continued support from the United Way of Colquitt County.


Exciting news!  Bluey has arrived in Colquitt County to help us promote The Basics!  To help us spread the word about The Basics and get families of children ages 0-5 signed up for FREE Basics Insights text messages, we are currently scheduling appearances for Bluey to appear at businesses and organizations in Colquitt County.   (For more information about Basics Insights text messages, check out the brief video below.)  Click here to request a visit.

If you’d like to help us encourage families of young children and help connect them to this valuable resource, why not become a Basics granny or grampy?  You don’t have to be a real life granny/grampy–we just think it’s a cute way to refer to ourselves!  As a Basics volunteer, you’ll receive training on The Basics and how to share them with families.  Once you’ve completed the training, you’ll be notified of Bluey visits and other upcoming Basics events where volunteers are needed.  Just sign up for the ones that fit your schedule–it’s that easy!  Click here if you’d like to be a Basics granny/grampy.