The AGI and The Black Philanthropy Fund (an organization of African Americans in Boston) formally launched The Basics movement in Boston in September of 2016 to help prepare children from all backgrounds and across whole neighborhoods to thrive, starting at birth.
The word spread quickly. By December, teams from 11 cities convened in Boston to learn about The Principles, the tools, and the approach. Rather than wait years for Boston to refine the approach, attendees agreed, “We'll figure it out together.” The Basics Learning Network (BLN) was thereby born. It operates under the leadership of The Basics, Inc., a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization under the fiscal sponsorship of Third Sector New England (TSNE).
Today, coalitions across dozens of BLN cities, towns, and counties in the US, Brazil, and Australia are engaging their communities, participating in BLN research, and regularly convening to learn, innovate, and share best practices.
Colquitt County History
The Basics Colquitt County started as a project of the Youth Development and Education team within the University of Georgia Archway Partnership. YDE team members recognized that Colquitt County had initiatives to promote literacy and academic success for kids. However, given that 80% of brain development occurs by the time a child reaches the age of 3, YDE team members felt that our community needed an initiative focused on very young children and their parents and caregivers. Once the team was introduced to The Basics, the ball was rolling! The Basics were introduced at the Colquitt County Archway Leadership Summit on April 26, 2022, and by the fall of 2022 the team had secured funding from the United Way of Colquitt County Community Impact Grant to help spread the word about The Basics. The team is now in the process of recruiting community Champions to help spread the word in their professional and personal lives. If you are interested in joining the movement, please email us at